Hydrated Lime/Slaked Lime(Calcium Hydroxide)

Hydrated Lime having higher percentage of Calcium Hydroxide (+90%) over low grade (65% Purity)Hydrated Lime :

  1. REDUCED REACTION TIME : The rate of chemical reaction depends upon the degree of purity of the Chemical being used. Higher the purity , lesser would be the reaction time .
  2. REDUCED CONSUMPTION : By Quantitative Analysis it is established that 1 M.T. of 90% grade Hydrated Lime is equivalent to 1.378 M.T. of 65% purity Grade . Thus there is a reduction of 37.8% in consumption.
  3. REDUCED HANDLING COST ETC : By using this high purity material , handling charges inclusive manpower can be reduced by 37% due to reduction in consumption . This is a direct saving in labour cost by the same proportion.
  4. REDUCED TRANSPORTATION COST : Total transportation cost for carrying Low Grade (65% Purity) Hydrated Lime = Cost of Carrying 65% Pure material + Cost of Carrying 35% impure material. Total transportation Cost for carrying High Grade (90% Purity) Hydrated Lime = Cost of carrying 90 % Pure material +Cost of carrying 10% impure material. Thus it's clear that with same transportation Cost 25% more pure material / utilizable material can be transported .
  5. LESS STORAGE SPACE : As there will be reduction in consumption ,less Godown space would be required for storage purpose , there by, reducing storage problem & Inventory cost.
  6. MINIMIZED DISPOSAL PROBLEM : Due to less consumption less sludge would be generated, resulting in reduced disposal cost.
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Grades A B C D E F
% of Available Lime as Ca(OH)2 +90 +85 +80 +75 +70 +65
% of Available Lime as +68 +64 +60 +56 +52 +49
% Acid Insolubles as SiO2(max.) 1.0 1.5 3.0 4.0 4.5 6.0
% Iron & Alumina As Fe <0.035 As Fe  <0.040 As Fe <0.050 As Fe <0.055 As Fe  <0.060 As Fe  <0.060
% Magnesia as MgO 1 1 1.25 1.5 2 2
Mesh (BSS) 250 200 200 150 150 150
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